
A Glimpse of Projects

A small sample of buildings that have been transformed into optimized environments by installing EBTRON airflow measurement devices.

A Community College in Florida Continues to Make an Impact on Occupant Health

A community college in Florida maintains an unparalleled quality of education by taking the health of its students and staff very seriously. To ensure everyone’s potential and talent are developed, the College places the relationship between comfort and productivity at the core of its priorities. Installing thermal dispersion airflow measuring stations within every campus at the College makes it possible to accurately measure outdoor air ventilation in real-time, even from a smartphone. The installation successfully achieved the desired Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) goal and energy savings. Users can easily access real-time data from every airflow measuring station via the BACnet integrated Building Management System or the EBLink App on their smartphone. Download: Improved Air Quality for a Healthier Environment


Sinai Hospital

University of Chicago Regenstein Library

EAU Claire Law Enforcement

Johns Hopkins University

JFK Airport

3M Communication

PNC Bank

Mayo Enterprise Data Center

Georgia Tech AMC Renovation

Edmonton Federal Building

Carnegie Park Hyatt

US District Courts

Canadian Western Bank

Cape Coral VA Medical Center

NWC Laboratory

Northrop Grumman

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