GTx116e-P Overview

The GTx116e-P is EBTRON’s top-of-the-line solution for accurate and repeatable multipoint airflow and temperature measurement with alarm capabilities in ducts and plenums. The GTx116E-P+ features advanced airflow and temperature measurement, alarm capabilities, and the option to connect via BACnet or Modbus. With unparalleled functionality, it is an excellent choice for high-performance buildings.

The GTx116e-PC features the option to connect via BACnet or Modbus. With unparalleled functionality, a ruggedized RH sensor option is available on the GTx116e-PC/H model. The onboard barometric pressure sensor and velocity-weighted temperature accurately calculate relative humidity, enthalpy, and dew point. Both units are ideal for supply, return, and outdoor air intake applications on systems with an airside economizer. Bluetooth® low-energy technology interface is also available.

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