Benefits of Proper Building Ventilation

Proper ventilation of a building has numerous benefits, such as creating a healthier and more comfortable environment, reducing the risk of IAQ-related liability, improving the well-being of occupants, and demonstrating proactive IAQ management. Ventilation needs vary depending on building use, occupancy levels, schedules, activities, health concerns, and preferences influencing appropriate ventilation systems and operations. Additionally, proper ventilation helps control moisture, reducing the likelihood of mold growth and structural damage. ASHRAE Standard 62.2 specifies ventilation rates according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers guidelines.

Reduce IAQ liability

Increase productivity

Improve occupant health


A well-ventilated building can significantly reduce Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) liability in several ways. Proper ventilation ensures a steady supply of fresh outdoor air, reducing the concentration of indoor pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens, and particulate matter, leading to cleaner and healthier indoor air. Dilution ventilation removes harmful contaminants, decreasing the likelihood of health issues such as respiratory problems, allergies, and sick building syndrome, lowering the risk of occupants filing health-related complaints or lawsuits. Comfortable and healthy indoor environments contribute to higher occupant satisfaction and productivity. Well-ventilated buildings often employ airflow measurement and control stations, providing valuable data on IAQ, validating clean air delivery rates, and ensuring a healthy indoor environment. Proper airflow measurement and documentation can be essential in reducing potential legal responsibility.

Dilutional Air for IAQ


Multiple government and private studies have shown that improvements in productivity, from 5% to 10%, can be expected by improving a worker’s indoor environment. In most non-manufacturing job sectors, workers’ salaries and benefits cost up to 100 times more than energy costs.* These benefits can be enhanced by dynamic intake control through HVAC instrumentation and ventilation control. EBTRON’s CENsus occupancy counter paired with EBTRON’s airflow measuring stations verify that spaces receive ventilation air at rates set to promote productivity.

*Source: Indoor Climate and Productivity in Offices (Pawel Wargocki, Olli Seppanen, Rehva, 2007)

Ensuring IAQ


When there is a shortage of fresh outdoor air or problems with air distribution, the ventilation system of a building can become compromised, contributing to discomfort, health problems, and reduced productivity. Therefore, the building’s ventilation system is crucial in maintaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. EBTRON’s airflow measurement technologies can optimize the amount of ventilation air, ensuring improved performance and achieving objectives without increasing ventilation rates or energy consumption by adjusting the amount of ventilation air in occupied spaces according to the number of people. Relying solely on a building’s operation to remain consistent with time and modifications after occupancy can lead to suboptimal performance or deviating from the design engineer’s intent without proper instrumentation. To ensure appropriate ventilation with the design plan, EBTRON recommends regular monitoring with airflow measuring stations and continuous control of outdoor air intake flow rates.

Regular monitoring by EBTRON’s air flow measuring stations and continuous control of outdoor air intake flow rates is recommended to ensure that the amount of ventilation actually delivered is consistent with the design and operational intent.  Reliance on a building’s operation to remain unchanged with time and modifications after the building is occupied leads to many buildings not performing at their peak or with the intent of the design engineer without proper instrumentation.

IAQ for improved occupant comfort
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